Accessing SSH Tunnel menu

1 reply. Asked on 2017-09-11 by Rob
I'm trying to set up an SSH tunnel on Linux for local development. I see that you've pointed others to the **Local testing with SSH tunnels on Linux** document. Under Part 2, that document states:

*To open a tunnel, start using Browserling and click the SSH Tunnel menu*

I don't know what "start using Browserling" means. I assume it means to enter my local webserver address into the http:// bar on the Browserling main page and then look for an SSH menu option. When I do that, there is no SSH option, as shown in this screenshot:

Is there a different way I should be accessing this menu?
All answers
Peter Krumins staff
Answered on 2017-09-11
Hello Rob,

Thanks for your question. "Start using Browserling" means just load any browser so that you're inside application itself and not just homepage.

SSH menu is under "Tools". If you click it, you'll see "SSH Tunnels" submenu.

We're improving the user interface of Browserling and we'll make this much easier to use.

Let me know if you've more questions, I'm around all day today and will be able to help quickly.

Peter Krumins
co-founder, chief-ling
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