the question of browser audio

3 replies. Asked on September 9, 2014 by Evgenii
Hello. Does your service support playback "ogg" and "mp3" in the browser chrome?
All answers
Peter Krumins staff
Answered on September 9, 2014
Hi Evgenii,

Thanks for the question. At the moment our cross browsing testing service doesn't support ogg and mp3 audio file playback in chrome. However that is something we plan to add in the future. You can however interact with the <audio> elements on the web pages, except you won't hear anything.

Peter Krumins
co founder of browserling
Emil Reisser-Weston
Answered on July 7, 2019
I cannot get any audio on any browser - why is this?
Answered on April 4, 2022
Wow that was 8 years ago and still I don't thing they have audio unless I'm missing smt.
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