Exciting news! We just launched Browserling's Bookmarklets. Browserling's bookmarklets let you bookmark your favorite browsers and access them with one click from bookmarks menu or bookmarks bar!

Try Browserling's Bookmarklets!

Let's say you're testing in Internet Explorer 11, 10 and 9 daily. With bookmarklets you can just create bookmarks to these browsers, put them in bookmarks bar and you can start testing in IE 11, 10 and 9 with one click. Super easy!

Browserling's bookmarklets use the unique Browserling's browser sharing scheme, which is another feature for easily accessing browsers. Here's how Browserling's URL scheme looks like:


For example,


This loads catonmat.net in Chrome 40 on Windows Vista. Browserling's bookmarklets just generate the right browsing URL and when you bookmark it, it loads the right browser. Neat, isn't it?

We've also created Chrome, Firefox and Opera extensions for Browserling. They make cross-browser testing as easy as bookmarklets. Just install the extension and you can start to cross-browser test with one click on the extension's icon.

Happy cross-browser testing!