Posted by December 10, 2013
on Firefox 26 was released today. We just installed it to Browserling's cross-browser testing cloud. You can start testing your code in this browser already.

Try Mozilla Firefox 26 in Browserling now!
What's New in Firefox 26 for Users?
- All Java plug-ins are defaulted to 'click to play'.
- Password manager now supports script-generated password fields.
- Updates can now be performed by Windows users without write permissions to Firefox install directory (requires Mozilla Maintenance Service).
- Support for H.264 on Linux if the appropriate gstreamer plug-ins are installed.
- Support for MP3 decoding on Windows XP, completing MP3 support across Windows OS versions.
- CSP implementation now supports multiple policies, including the case of both an enforced and Report-Only policy, per the spec.
What's New in Firefox 26 for Developers?
- Social API now supports Social Bookmarking for multiple providers through its SocialMarks functionality.
- Math.ToFloat32 takes a JS value and converts it to a Float32, whenever possible.
- There is no longer a prompt when websites use appcache.
- Support for the CSS image orientation property.
- New App Manager allows you to deploy and debug HTML5 webapps on Firefox OS phones and the Firefox OS Simulator.
- IndexedDB can now be used as a "optimistic" storage area so it doesn't require any prompts and data is stored in a pool with LRU eviction policy, in short temporary storage.
- The CSS text-decoration-line property, still prefixed, now considers 'blink' as a valid value, though it doesn't blink the content at all.
- The non-standard -moz-text-blink property has been removed.
- The HTMLSelectElement.selectedOptions property has been implemented.
- In the <input> element of type email, values with domain labels longer than 63 chars are no more considered valid.
- The ECMAScript 2015 compliant syntax for Generators (yield) has been implemented.
- JavaScript generator/iterator results are now boxed like { value: foo, done: bool }.
- The last argument (doctype) to DOMImplementation.createDocument is now optional.
- The URL interface is now accessible from Web Workers.
- Inconsistent renderings of <mmultiscripts>, <msub>, <msup> and <msubsup> have been unified and the error handling of these elements has been improved.
- The inclusion of SVG glyphs inside OpenType, SVG-in-OpenType, has been updated to match the current version of the specification.
- Event constructors can be used in Web workers.
What Security Issues have been fixed in Firefox 26?
- Mis-issued ANSSI/DCSSI certificate.
- JPEG information leak.
- GetElementIC typed array stubs can be generated outside observed typesets.
- Use-after-free in synthetic mouse movement.
- Trust settings for built-in roots ignored during EV certificate validation.
- Linux clipboard information disclosure though selection paste.
- Segmentation violation when replacing ordered list elements.
- Potential overflow in JavaScript binary search algorithms.
- Use-after-free during Table Editing.
- Use-after-free in event listeners.
- Sandbox restrictions not applied to nested object elements.
- Character encoding cross-origin XSS attack.
- Application Installation doorhanger persists on navigation.
- Miscellaneous memory safety hazards.
What Issues Firefox 26 Still Has?
- Text rendering issues on Windows 7 with Platform Update KB2670838 (MSIE 10 Prerequisite).
Happy cross-browser testing in Firefox 26!
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