Posted by July 9, 2013
on Google released a new version of their Chrome browser today. The new version is Chrome 28. We just installed Chrome 28 to our browser cloud and you can start testing your apps in it immediately.

Try Chrome 28 in Browserling now!
Changes in Chrome 28
- Replaced layout engine with Blink, a fork of WebKit on all platforms besides iOS.
- Faster page loads with the new Blink threaded HTML parser.
- Rich notifications and notification center (HTML-based notifications deprecated).
- Major improvements to the asm.js benchmark performances.
- Added support for the CSS
pseudoclass for Custom Elements. - Added support for the CSS
conditional blocks to test forproperty:value
pairs. - Fullscreen API support - fullscreen browsing on tablets (Android only).
- Experimental WebGL, Web Audio, WebRTC support in
(Android only). - Built-in translation (Android only).
- Improved interoperability with many other Google Apps (iOS only).
- Voice Search enhancements (iOS only).
- Fullscreen for iPad (iOS only).
- Data usage savings (iOS only).
- Access to browser history (iOS only).
- CSS Conditional Rules
Developer Updates in Chrome 28
- CSS Conditional Rules - Added support for the
at-rule and thewindow.CSS.supports()
Security Fixes in Chrome 28
This release includes 11 security fixes. The following fixes were highlighted by Google:
- CVE-2013-2881: Origin bypass in frame handling. Credit to Karthik Bhargavan.
- CVE-2013-2882: Type confusion in V8. Credit to Cloudfuzzer.
- CVE-2013-2883: Use-after-free in MutationObserver. Credit to Cloudfuzzer.
- CVE-2013-2884: Use-after-free in DOM. Credit to Ivan Fratric of Google Security Team.
- CVE-2013-2885: Use-after-free in input handling. Credit to Ivan Fratric of Google Security Team.
Happy cross-browser testing in Chrome 28!
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